WATCH: Lindsey Graham Says if GOP Wins 2022 Mid-Terms it Proves the Party of Trump “Isn’t Dead”

2 years ago 486

Donald Trump lost the presidential election in 2020. The GOP was also unable to take the house and lost control of the senate in January. Most people watching would realize that Trump was a drag on the party, especially in the suburbs.

But only a few members of the GOP have been willing to stand up and say they want to move on without the former president. And the ones who have were savagely punished by many within the party.

Few have pushed the idea of Trump’s importance more than Lindsey Graham. Once a fierce opponent of the New York businessman, the South Carolina senator has now become his number one sycophant.

Graham spoke at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference on Friday. He told the assembled that Democrats will eliminate the electoral college and turn Washington DC and Puerto Rico into states. 

The South Carolina senator continued:

“If we win in 2022, it means the party of Trump is not dead and buried, it’s still alive. It means we stopped the most radical agenda in the history of mankind coming out of the House. If we can pick up one Senate seat it means we’ll have a say about the judges they pick and a lot of other things.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham: "If we win in 2022, it means the party of Trump is not dead and buried it is still alive."

— The Hill (@thehill) June 18, 2021

Graham is not wrong. If Republicans win back the house and senate in 2022, Joe Biden will not be able to accomplish much despite being the president. But risking everything on Donald Trump could end up being a faulty strategy for the GOP.

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