How to Write a Virtual Event Press Release

1 year ago 269


If you're looking to connect with the media and influencers in your niche, a virtual event press release is exactly what you need. A virtual event press release (or VEPR) is a short, compelling piece of content that can be used to launch or promote an event. It should be concise and include all the information needed for readers to understand what your next big thing is all about. Here's how to create a great VEPR:

Tips for Writing a Virtual Event Press Release

If you’re wondering how to write a virtual event press release, it’s simple: just follow these steps!

  • Write about the event itself. You want to include all of the details about what happened and why it was important for your brand. You can also talk about how this event will help bring more attention or awareness to your products or services. The more detailed information that you provide here, the better off your press release is going to be—so don't be shy!
  • Talk about who sponsors this particular virtual event and why they should care about it (in layman's terms). For example, if there were two companies sponsoring this virtual competition between cities around the country and their goal was simply making sure everyone knew that both cities had great food options available whenever they visited them during traveling back home afterward—this would make sense as someone reading through an article online would assume someone else might have written something like "what do they have?" Or maybe one of them wanted another reason why people should visit their area instead because they have a nice view while eating dinner at night time outside looking over an ocean towards another country across water way up high."

Highlight the event sponsors

The event press releases sponsors are key to your virtual event and should be highlighted in your press release. Sponsors can be individuals or organizations, but they all provide support for the event in some way. They may pay for it and/or provide additional funding or credibility (e.g., a big-name sponsor).

Sponsors also help you spread the word about your virtual event through social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Include information on the participation and reach of your event

  • Include the number of participants and reach of your event.
  • For example, if you’re hosting a conference for 500 people, including this information in your press release. If you organized an event that was attended by 10 people but had a large reach through social media and news outlets like CNN or Fox News, also mention this fact in your press release so readers know why they should be interested in attending your next virtual event!

Make sure to discuss the positive outcomes of the event

You should include a few positive outcomes in your press release. The event itself can be an important part of this, but it's also important to discuss what attendees got out of it and how sponsors or community members felt about it. If you're speaking with someone from another organization, ask what their experience was like at the press release on event and how they feel about hosting events like yours in the future.

What were some of the positive outcomes?

  • What did attendees get out of attending? For example: “We had over 100 people participate in our virtual training session which included live presentations by industry experts on topics such as social media management, content marketing strategy, and copywriting techniques."
  • What did sponsors get out of sponsoring your event (e-commerce)? For example: "As a result of our partnership with Nootrobox—one of Silicon Valley's fastest growing startups—we were able to provide them with access to some highly sought-after experts from around the world who delivered insightful educational sessions on topics ranging from digital marketing strategies through e-commerce platforms."

Your virtual event press release should be between 300 and 500 words in length

Your virtual event press release should be between 300 and 500 words in length. This is the most important part. If you try to cram too much information into a press release, it will lose its punch and readers will find themselves scrolling through messages when they should be reading your story.

It's also important not to make your virtual event press release too long or short—you want people to read it but not get bored! The ideal length is somewhere between 300-400 words; longer if you can fit it into one email message (this is usually only possible with medium-length articles) or shorter if there isn't enough room left after the other content has been included.

Link your audience back to the original story or launch announcement

A good press release on event should include a link back to the original story or launch announcement. This is especially important if your company is launching a new product or service, as it helps people who read your blog post keep up with any other news related to that topic.

It's also useful in cases where you're writing about something else: If you want people looking at an article on Tim Ferriss' blog (or someone else's) but don't necessarily want them reading all of it, adding a link back can help them easily move from one medium into another one without leaving anything out of sight!

Include at least one quote from a key speaker or sponsor

  • Include at least one quote from a key speaker or sponsor.
  • The quote should be relevant to the event.
  • It should be short and to the point, so that it can fit within a press release's word count of 200-300 words (or less).

The person you choose should be someone who has authority in your industry, such as an expert in marketing or social media management; they could also be someone who knows you personally and would be eager to share their opinion on your company's achievements at this event.

If possible, make sure the person quoted is relevant to what was discussed during your webinar!

A virtual event press release is essential for keeping your brand top of mind

virtual event press release is essential for keeping the brand top of your mind, whether you choose to use it as an announcement or simply share it on social media. It helps you stay visible and relevant, making sure that the public knows who you are. This can help with getting noticed by potential clients or new customers who may not have heard about any of your previous work before.


When you’re writing your virtual event press release, remember that it needs to be clear and concise. The most important information should be at the top of each sentence as well as on every page of your document so that readers can easily scan their way through. When drafting this piece of content, focus on making sure your words are targeted toward a specific audience and use those keywords to search for related results on Google or Bing.

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