Guidelines That Will Change Your Game In Your Business for a Sample Press Release Template

f you are interested in seeing your work published online, then a press release template may be just what you need.

Guidelines That Will Change Your Game In Your Business for a Sample Press Release Template


The online publishing world is filled with people, companies and organizations who want their content to be seen by as many people as possible. If you are interested in seeing your work published online, then a press release template may be just what you need.

1. Write a compelling headline.

The first thing you should do when writing your press release template is to write an interesting headline. This is the most important aspect of your text, because it will make or break how readers view your message and whether they want to read the rest of what you have written.

In addition to being short and concise, make sure that this headline makes people want more information about what it's all about—whether it's related to their industry or not! You can also include keywords in order for search engines (such as Google) to know exactly where on their platform these words exist so that potential customers can find them easier than ever before.

2. Lead with the who and the what of your press release.

The second section of your press release sample needs to contain the who and the what of your story. You need to give readers a reason why they should read further and how it relates to them.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself when writing this section:

  • Who is my audience? Who would benefit from knowing about this news story? What kind of people will pick up on this information, and how can I reach them in order for them to get value out of reading my article or watching my video?

  • What is the news itself (for example, “We’ve just won an award for our new product”)? Why does it matter? How does it relate back into reality/business/marketing strategy (for example: “Our new product has been awarded as one of the best ones on market today due its innovative design which allows users more control over their workouts while still getting results”).

3. Write your body paragraphs in inverted pyramid style.

Inverted pyramid style is a writing style that starts with the most important information and moves toward less important information. This can be useful when you’re writing for an audience of journalists, who may not have time to get through everything in your media release template. You should also use inverted pyramid style when you need to make sure that your readers understand what they are reading. Inverted pyramid structure makes it easy for them because they only have to read one section at a time instead of having to wade through several paragraphs at once before getting any sense of what's being said (or if there even is anything being said).

4. Use subheads throughout your press release to draw in readers and give them the gist of the release quickly.

  • Use subheads throughout your media release example to draw in readers and give them the gist of the release quickly.

This is an easy way to immediately grab someone’s attention and get them interested in reading further. It also helps you with SEO, as subheadings are indexed by search engines like Google, which is another reason why they should be used as often as possible (if not all the time).

5. Always be sure to include crucial details, including how, when and where everything happened that was discussed in your release.

  • Always be sure to include crucial details, including how, when and where everything happened that was discussed in your release.

  • Include a list of people involved with the project.

  • Include a list of things that were discussed during the meeting or project.

6. Keep your paragraphs short and to the point, typically no longer than 3 lines each at most.

Keep your paragraphs short and to the point, typically no longer than 3 lines each at most. You can break up your release into multiple sections by using subheads for each section. For example: "The Benefits of Using Our Software"

Use bullet points to highlight key points that you want readers to know about. This can be done either with words or numbers, depending on how you feel about it. For example: 1) Save time with our easy-to-use software 2) Get an overview of all your accounts 3) Get alerts when there's an issue 4) Access reports anytime 5) Manage multiple accounts 6).

7. Incorporate multimedia into your release (images and video).

Adding multimedia to your sample press release template is a great way to add context and make the information more engaging. Images should be 300 dpi or higher resolution, sized at least 800 pixels wide x 469 pixels high (16:9 ratio) or 600 pixels wide x 315 pixels high (16:9 ratio). Videos can also be used as long as they meet these guidelines:

8. Include a single relevant image with each press release you submit to us (and this is the only one we will publish). Images should be 300 dpi or higher resolution and sized at least 800 pixels wide x 469 pixels high (16:9 ratio) or 600 pixels wide x 315 pixels high (16:9 ratio). It should also be a .JPG or .PNG file format only, which is accepted by our system upon submission of a press release for publishing on our site.

  • 8. Include a single relevant image with each event press release template you submit to us (and this is the only one we will publish).

  • Images should be 300 dpi or higher resolution and sized at least 800 pixels wide x 469 pixels high (16:9 ratio) or 600 pixels wide x 315 pixels high (16:9 ratio). It should also be a .JPG or .PNG file format only, which is accepted by our system upon submission of a press release for publishing on our site.


I hope you have found this article helpful in creating a press release that will get you noticed. You can use it as a guide or simply use it as a starting point from which to write one on your own. Either way, having an effective press release example for event can help your business grow and thrive.

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