Five Business Listing Sites (prwires) To Help Grow Your Online Business

1 year ago 327

Introducing Business Listing Sites (prwires)

If you're a business owner, and you want to grow your online presence, there are many sites that can help. They're all free, but some require business owners to pay for advertising. Here's a list of some of the best free business listing sites:

A business listing is a list of companies, organizations, products, and services that you can use to help grow your business. There are many types of listings available online. Some are free while others have a fee associated with them. The type of information that you put on the site will determine how well it ranks in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Business Listing Sites & Local Business Listings

Business listing sites and local business listings are two of the most popular ways for small businesses to get their products and services listed on the web. These sites provide a way for you to connect with potential customers in your area or around the world.

To get started, simply select a business listing site from our list below:

  • [Business Listing Sites]( - Searching this directory will quickly find all of the top directories that can be used when posting your company's data online!
  • [Local Business Listings]( - Looking through these listings will help you find who offers services similar to yours, so it’s easier than ever before!

Google My Business

Google My Business is the best place to manage your Google listing. It's free, easy to set up and you can add a photo, hours, phone number, and website. You can respond to reviews and messages from customers.

There are no monthly fees or hidden charges here either - just one flat rate per month for each listing (or multiple listings if you want more than two).

Bing Places for Business

Bing Places for Business is a free service that helps you manage your business information online. The Bing Places platform provides the most comprehensive suite of business listing services, including:

  • A searchable map showing your location and other relevant details such as hours and phone number.

  • The ability to update these details yourself or have them updated automatically by us when you make small business directory changes in our system (like opening hours).

Yahoo Localworks

Yahoo Localworks is a local business directory and review site that helps you get your business listed on various search engines. It also allows you to post reviews, photos, and other information about your company in order to increase its visibility.

Once you have registered with Yahoo Localworks, it will allow you to list all types of businesses (not just those related to eCommerce). You can choose between two options for how customers can find out about your services:

  • Listing by category - This option allows users from around the world who are searching for ‘plumbers near me’ or ‘restaurants near me to access local listings from their area that match their needs.

  • Searching - In this scenario, users will be able to see all results from across different categories with local business listings no limitations placed on where they live or where they want services delivered to their community


CitySearch is a local search engine for businesses and services. The site has more than 24 million reviews of local businesses and services, as well as 100 million unique visitors each month.

CitySearch offers its customers several tools to help them find the best local businesses in their area:

  • Browse by category (e.g., restaurants) or keyword (e.g., "car wash" or "pet grooming");

  • Filter results based on price range;

  • Search by location;


MerchantCircle is a business listing sites list and review site that helps local businesses get found online. It's also a paid service, which means you'll have to pay for the $99/month or $199/year subscription. However, if you're looking for something free or inexpensive but still high quality, then MerchantCircle might be worth checking out.

MerchantCircle has been around since 2012 and has grown in popularity over time by providing an easy-to-use platform for anyone looking to start their own business or run their existing one more effectively. The platform makes it easy for users who want to promote their products through social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram (or even Twitter). They can also post reviews about any company they've purchased from online stores like Amazon Prime so others can make informed decisions before buying anything new there too!

Be sure to get your business listed on these sites.

There are a number of different business listing sites that can help you grow your online business.

These include:

  • [Prwires](, which has been around for over 20 years and is one of the top-performing directories or another local small business directory on the Internet! It's also free to sign up for an account and list your company there. You'll need an email address, though—but if you don't have one yet or aren't sure where to get one, check out our guide on getting started with email marketing here [here](

  • [Local Info Exchange]( is another great resource where people post their local businesses as well as information about them (like hours and phone numbers). You can join this site by providing some basic information about yourself so they know who they're talking with when someone calls to ask questions about what kind of services you offer locally.


If you are a small business owner and looking for ways to get your business found online, then Google My Business and new business listing sites are the first places you should start. It's free and easy to use, so there's no reason to do it.

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